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Currently reading

Love, Lies, and Deception
L.P. Dover
Free Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand's Ideas Can End Big Government
Yaron Brook, Don Watkins
Confessions of a Corporate Slut
Jacqueline Gum
Freestyle Community Drum Circles
Rick Cormier
The Bliss Balance - Create Success, Peace, and Happiness in Your Life
Rebekah Harkness
Ocean of Fear
Helen Hanson

Living Large: From SUVs to Double Ds---Why Going Bigger Isn't Going Better

Living Large: From SUVs to Double Ds---Why Going Bigger Isn't Going Better - Sarah Z. Wexler I enjoyed this book about living large that covers all sorts of topics, from breast enlargements, mega-churches, large diamond engagement rings, SUV's, landfills and the Mall of America. Would recommend to anyone interested in our way of life and what has become of it in the recent past!